The Little Dog Laughed

Discover our collaboration with The Little Dog Laughed.

A Dog's Life storybook by Anna Daniel in partnership with Dog's Trust

The Little Dog Laughed will be launching a collection with a gift book, A Dog’s Life, featuring Anna Danielle’s illustrated drawings of 50 of our very own Dogs Trust dogs and their real-life stories!

The collection also features greetings cards, a 2024 calendar and diary.

One of the heart warming stories includes Bailey the service dog.

Bailey's story

Picked up as a stray and brought to Dogs Trust Loughborough, it was clear to the team there that Bailey had potential to become a service dog. He successfully passed tests and was paired with dog handler Graham. 

Bailey’s determination to overcome challenges and his resilience was unmistakable, with a love for life, children and other dogs showing the amazing connections that can be made between dogs and their families. His journey with us has now landed him with a loving home and a job in the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and as well as the UKISAR (overseas travel organisation for humanitarian accidents and disasters). Not all heroes wear capes but some do wear collars!

Bailey’s story is an amazing example of the potential of our rescue dogs and the special bond between dogs and their human companions.

We are so grateful for this partnership and to The Little Dog Laughed

A huge thanks to The Little Dog Laughed who have pledged 20% from the sale of their ‘A Dog’s Life Collection’ to us, when purchased through their website.

This very generous pledge will allow us to continue our vital work, bringing dogs in from the cold and finding them the loving homes they deserve. 

This book is the centre-piece of a range which, with your support, will help raise funds for Dogs Trust and the essential animal welfare work that they do.

Anna Danielle, A Dog’s Life illustrator

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