Rehoming success for stray Staffie Kilo

A dog left tied to the gates of Dogs Trust Merseyside has found happiness at the heart of a new forever family.

Kilo the Staffie with his new family outside Merseyside Rehoming Centre

Kilo, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, was found by staff in March at the rehoming centre. He had been left with his food bowls and a hand-written note telling staff his name and saying they could no longer care for him.

After reading about Kilo’s plight, Darren Fisher and Stacey Flavin got in touch with the team and were soon on their way to meet him.

Our 15-year-old Staffy, Storm, died last year and I found it so sad when I read about Kilo. We went to meet him and fell for him straight away! We visited him on two more occasions so that he could get to know us better and then he came home with us. From day one he seemed as delighted to be with us as we were to have him home and he settled in straight away.


Kilo the Staffie sitting with Canine Carer outside Merseyside Rehoming Centre
Given the circumstances in which Kilo came to us, we are all so happy that he has found his ideal home and settled in with Darren and Stacey so quickly. When they contacted us, we were very hopeful that they were going to prove to be a great match for him and once they were introduced, we knew they were.

Georgina Lowery, Centre Manager

Since moving in with Darren and Stacey Kilo has grown in confidence and started to show his true personality, playing with toys, enjoying four walks a day and watching the world go by from a prime spot on the sofa.

He’s awesome. Obviously we don’t know anything about his background, but he is just perfect. He loves going out and meeting other dogs and when he’s in the house he’s great company. We are so glad we’ve been able to give him a fresh start and if anyone is thinking of getting a dog, I’d encourage them to rescue. All dogs deserve a loving home.


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