Our policies

Our policies explained


At Dogs Trust, it's important to us that we're open and transparent about our policies, procedures, and measures - especially where protecting people is concerned. We publish here our Modern Slavery report, our Gender Pay Gap report, our Safeguarding policy and constitution.

Modern Slavery

This statement is published under the provision of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 with reference to the current financial year. Modern slavery is a hidden crime that encompasses slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking. Dogs Trust is committed to continuously improving its high standards of operation to combat slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chain, and in acting ethically and with integrity in its business relationships. Modern slavery has no place in our organisation or supply chain, and we take a zero tolerance approach to it.

Owen Sharp, Chief Executive 

pdf 94.7 KB
Modern Slavery Statement

Gender pay gap report

The gender pay gap is the difference between men and women's hourly earnings, expressed as a percentage of men's earnings. All organisations with more than 250 people must report their pay gaps annually, following the Equality Act 2010 (Gender pay gap information) regulations 2017. It's a separate matter to equal pay for equal work.

We were founded by a woman and one of our previous CEOs was female who ran the charity for 28 years before she retired in 2014. We are proud to have so many women working for us and do everything we can to ensure we are an equal opportunities employer.

pdf 2.3 MB
Gender pay gap report 2023


The success of Dogs Trust is driven by our team of dedicated and passionate staff and volunteers and our loyal and generous supporters. Without them, we would not succeed in our mission to rehome as many dogs as possible and never to put a healthy dog to sleep.

pdf 103 KB
Safeguarding policy - pdf

Our constitution

pdf 247.2 KB
Dogs Trust Constitution

Other policies 

You can also read our other policies on intake, non-destruction and rehoming here: 


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